Wat Pa Wang Nam Yen


Wat Pa Wang Nam Yen, also known as Phuthawaranaram Temple, is a stunning Buddhist temple located in Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand. It's known for being the largest wooden temple in Thailand, constructed primarily from Red Wood, Padauk Wood, and Golden Teak.

Unique Features of Wat Pa Wang Nam Yen

  • Grand Wooden Pavilion: The most striking feature of Wat Pa Wang Nam Yen is its massive wooden pavilion, supported by a staggering 112 wooden pillars. This grand structure is believed to be the largest of its kind in Thailand.
  • Enshrined Buddha Images: Inside the main hall, visitors will find three highly revered Buddha statues crafted from pure gold. Each statue weighs a significant 12 kilograms and is paraded around the city during the annual Kathin ceremony, a time for Buddhists to make merit.
  • Maha Sarakham Stupa: The temple complex is currently under development, with the construction of the Maha Sarakham Stupa underway. This grand structure is expected to become a significant landmark within the temple grounds, rivaling the importance of Phra That Na Dun, another prominent stupa in the province.

A Spiritual Sanctuary

Wat Pa Wang Nam Yen serves as a vital spiritual center for the local community. Visitors can participate in prayer ceremonies, make merit-making offerings, and simply find solace in the serene atmosphere. The intricate woodwork and the overall design of the temple create a sense of awe and inspire reflection.

Planning Your Visit

Wat Pa Wang Nam Yen is open to the public and welcomes visitors of all faiths. The temple is situated near Maha Sarakham University, making it easily accessible for those exploring the city. Since it's an active place of worship, it's important to dress modestly and be respectful of local customs during your visit.

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