Explore Ban Khok Sa-Nga

Ban Khok Sa-Nga, also known as the King Cobra Village, is a village in Thailand's Khon Kaen province known for its snake shows and cobra-handling traditions.

The village's history with snakes goes back a long way. Originally, the villagers were rice farmers and also sold medicinal herbs. In 1951, the local doctor, Ken Yongla, introduced the Cobra show to the village. This attracted more people to the village, allowing the villagers to sell their herbs more easily.

Initially, the villagers used harmless snakes in their shows. However, Dr. Yongla later switched to using king cobras, the world's longest venomous snake, due to their impressive size and allure. He trained the villagers in safe cobra handling techniques so they could perform the shows.

Today, the snake shows are still a major draw for tourists visiting Ban Khok Sa-Nga. The shows typically include:

  • Snake demonstrations: Villagers handle various snakes, including king cobras.
  • Snake boxing: This involves a staged fight between a villager and a king cobra, where the villager expertly dodges the snake's strikes.
  • Snake dancing: Villagers move rhythmically to music while holding king cobras.

Important things to keep in mind

  • While the villagers are skilled in handling snakes, these shows can be dangerous. There have been incidents of injuries and fatalities.
  • The ethics of keeping snakes for entertainment purposes is a controversial topic. Some animal rights groups argue that these shows are cruel to the snakes.

If you're interested in learning more about snakes and don't have concerns about animal welfare, you can visit Ban Khok Sa-Nga to experience the cobra shows. However, if you're opposed to animal exploitation or feel uncomfortable around snakes, it might be best to skip this destination.

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