Taxi Boats-Koh Phi Phi


Taxi boats, also known as longtail boats, are a popular mode of transportation on the Thai island of Koh Phi Phi. These traditional Thai boats are commonly used to navigate the island's waterways and offer a convenient way to travel between different beaches and nearby islands. Here's some information about taxi boats on Koh Phi Phi:

Purpose: Taxi boats primarily serve as a means of transportation for locals and tourists to move around Koh Phi Phi and explore its various attractions, such as beaches, viewpoints, and nearby islands.

Accessibility: As Koh Phi Phi is a small island with no motorized vehicles allowed on its streets, taxi boats provide the main transportation option apart from walking. They are readily available at the island's main piers and beaches, making it easy to hop on a boat and reach your desired destination.

Routes and Destinations: Taxi boats operate on several routes, connecting popular spots around Koh Phi Phi. Some common destinations include Long Beach, Monkey Beach, Loh Dalum Bay, Maya Bay (currently closed for ecological restoration), and Bamboo Island. Additionally, you can hire a taxi boat for private trips to other nearby islands or for activities like snorkeling or diving.

Pricing: The cost of a taxi boat ride on Koh Phi Phi can vary depending on the distance traveled, the number of passengers, and negotiation skills. It's always a good idea to agree on the price before starting the journey to avoid any misunderstandings.

Boat Capacity: The size of taxi boats can vary, but they are generally small to medium-sized wooden boats with an attached longtail engine. They can accommodate a varying number of passengers, typically ranging from 6 to 12 people.

Safety: While taxi boats are generally safe for transportation, it's essential to follow safety guidelines and wear life jackets, especially if you're traveling in rough waters or during unfavorable weather conditions. Make sure to choose licensed operators who prioritize passenger safety.

Availability: Taxi boats on Koh Phi Phi typically operate during daylight hours, starting early in the morning until late afternoon or early evening. However, availability can be influenced by factors such as weather conditions and demand, so it's advisable to plan your trips accordingly.

Remember, the information provided here is based on the knowledge available up to September 2021, and there might have been some changes or updates regarding taxi boat operations on Koh Phi Phi since then. It's always a good idea to check with local sources or your accommodation provider for the most up-to-date information and recommendations.
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