Goong Chae Nam Pla (Raw Shrimp Salad)


Goong Chae Nam Pla, also known as Raw Shrimp Salad, is a refreshing and flavorful Thai dish that is commonly enjoyed in Hua Hin and throughout Thailand. Here's some information about Goong Chae Nam Pla:

Ingredients: The main ingredient of Goong Chae Nam Pla is fresh raw shrimp, which is typically peeled and deveined. The shrimp is then marinated in a mixture of fish sauce, lime juice, garlic, chili, and sugar. Additional ingredients may include thinly sliced shallots, cilantro, mint leaves, and Thai bird's eye chili for added spiciness.

Preparation: The marinated shrimp is left to sit for a short period to allow the flavors to meld together. The acidity from the lime juice in the marinade helps partially "cook" the shrimp, giving it a slightly opaque appearance and a tender texture. The salad is usually assembled just before serving to maintain the freshness of the ingredients.

Flavor Profile: Goong Chae Nam Pla offers a burst of flavors. The shrimp has a delicate sweetness and a slight brininess from the fish sauce. The lime juice adds tanginess and brightness, while the garlic and chili provide a subtle heat. The aromatic herbs like cilantro and mint add freshness and balance to the dish.

Serving: Goong Chae Nam Pla is typically served as a salad or appetizer. It is often presented on a plate or a bowl with the marinated shrimp arranged attractively. The salad can be enjoyed on its own or eaten with a side of steamed rice. It is a light and refreshing dish that is perfect for hot weather.

Dining Experience: Goong Chae Nam Pla is a popular dish in seafood restaurants, street food stalls, and local eateries. It is commonly consumed as part of a seafood feast or as a standalone dish. The combination of fresh flavors and the tender texture of the shrimp make it a delightful and satisfying choice.

Goong Chae Nam Pla, or Raw Shrimp Salad, is a unique and delicious Thai dish that showcases the freshness of the ingredients. Its combination of flavors and textures makes it a popular choice for seafood lovers. When in Hua Hin or other parts of Thailand, trying Goong Chae Nam Pla from a reputable seafood restaurant or local establishment is a great way to experience vibrant and diverse Thai cuisine.
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