Colorful Bangkok 2022 Festival is a colorful period of art, light and music throughout Bangkok for 3 full months.

On November 1, 2022, Mr. Chatchart Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok and Mr. Sanon Wangboonsang, Deputy Governor of Bangkok, and Mrs. Kobkarn Wattanawarangkul, Chairman of the Bangkok Art and Culture Center Foundation, along with the Art and Culture Network. Join the press conference to open the festival "Colorful Bangkok 2022" and launch the website at Auditorium, 5th floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Center.

“Bangkok has a lot of talented people. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is the one who coordinates and finds a space to gather art network partners to have channels and platforms to express themselves, which is considered a good dimension. Because cities are people, not buildings. The way people express themselves through arts and culture can change the perspective of the city and bring it to life, and liveliness and stimulate the economy. In the end, it will be a world-renowned event,” Mr.Chatchat said.

Mr. Sanon added that over the next three months, Bangkok will return to color and vitality after the sluggish situation from the Covid-19 situation. In which Bangkok has to compete with many other tourist cities around the world, the Colorful Bangkok 2022 Festival is a gathering of hundreds of arts events with networks of government, the private sector, civil society, and the public to create art, music, and light. It will help stimulate the economy of the city.

“Art and culture in Bangkok permeate every area. It's great that the BMA has brought up art so that people in the art circle, where many artists have given up and almost gave up their careers, have hope and stand up again. Story from Bangkok. Create a space to gather art lovers and interested in art. as well as provide space, stage, and festivals for artists to showcase their work,”  Mrs. Kobkan. said.

Bangkok has joined the Bangkok Art and Culture Center to create a bilingual website under the name "Bangkok Art City" as a space to promote information on arts and culture held throughout Bangkok.

Its main purpose is to disseminate the activity to the audience. This will lead to the growth of the cultural sector in different dimensions. as well as to support people living in the city living in Bangkok tourists and interested persons to have access to more arts and culture.

Colorful Bangkok 2022 is a festival that spans all three months of Bangkok. November 2022 - January 2023 consists of creative arts festivals, light festivals, and music festivals according to the policy of 12 festivals throughout the year throughout Bangkok.

with the aim of opening up, public spaces Organize activities for people in Bangkok people from other provinces as well as tourists have interesting festivals to attend throughout the year. including driving business Boost sales from festival events and economic circulation

creative arts festival Kai has brought art all over the city. various types various artists to exhibit for the public to see, learn and experience closely in galleries, theaters, and public spaces Ready to open an area for all artists to have a space to display their work to the public. Throughout November, more than 30 events
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