Found an ancient stone source, Wang Nam Khiao, more than 250 million years old!

President of the Wang Nam Khiao District Tourism Promotion Club together with the villagers Yup E Pun, Village No. 14, Wang Mi Sub-district, Wang Nam Khieo District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Together, they explored a new natural attraction, a limestone waterfall in a forested area where natural beauty is rich in moisture.

They found Black Rock Mountain in an area of more than 5 hectares which was at the entrance to the new waterfall. There is a distinctive black stone. and is hundreds of millions of years old set up in the forest very beautiful

After asking the villagers. The villagers told me that this rocky mountain has been with the community for a long time. Previously, A research team from Kasetsart University came to check and found that this mountain is deep in the ground for more than 30 kilometers and is more than 250 million years old before the dinosaur era. Villagers, therefore, prepare to develop it as a new tourist attraction in Wang Nam Khiao District in terms of geology.

The president of the Wang Nam Khiao District Tourism Promotion Club said it was a pleasure to discover the waterfall. and then came to find a source of primeval stone, more than 250 million years old, which will make it a natural attraction and interesting geology in the Wang Mee sub-district area As a result, in the future, it will generate income for the community tourism as well.

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