Wedding Traditions in the Northeast of Thailand

Traditional Wedding Ceremony in the Northeast of Thailand

The procession started from the groom to the venue.("Procession" Thai Language call Hae kun mang) There will be the bride's parents who come out to welcome the procession and ask."Where to go to?". The groom will reply to that." We will marry the daughter of this house (about this)" and then the bride's parents will be invited into the house.

Then it is to wash the feet to show the reception of the bride from the bride's brother for respect for the brother-in-law. and the brother-in-law gives awards to him. Then the groom will find quarantine access to his home. It is the garland is  2 gate. silver is one gate and golden is one gate.

After passing the quarantine. The groom's procession will be invited to the ceremony. The bride must prepare people for the procession of the groom and arrange an area for placing the groom brought.

After that, the bridegroom's parents will negotiate for the bride. The bride's parents are checking the dowry that according to the agreement or not. After that, the bride will be allowed to attend the ceremony.

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