Thai Fried Rice Bangkok

Thai Fried Rice Bangkok
Thai Fried Rice With Crap
Thai Fried Rice is the easiest dish and the most popular type of fried rice in Thailand. In Thai called Khao Phat, Khao means “rice” and Phat means “of or relating to being stir-fried” Thai Fried Rice is available in almost every restaurant. 

Thai fried Rice ingredients are just min rice, egg, onion, garlic, and some tomatoes. Cook with seasoning as fish sauce and sugar as well as add a variety of meats (chicken, Pork, Shrimp, crab, squid, etc.) and stir together. The dish is plated and served with cucumber slices, tomato slices, and lime. Moreover, if you cannot much eat spicy food, Thai Fried rice is recommended.
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